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Colonoscopy enables visual inspection of the entire large bowel from the distal rectum to the cecum. The procedure is a relatively safe and effective means of evaluating the large bowel. The technology for colonoscopy provides clear mucosal imaging through a video camera attached to the end of the scope. The computer connects, stores and can print color images selected during the procedure. Triaging the patients and following appropriate treatment protocols leads to best possible outcome for that patient. If necessary, higher intervention at same centre or different centre may be suggested if facilities deem so.
Peglec solution is given in water overnight for the next morning procedure, and overnight fasting after completion of oral preparation is advised, also anaesthesia support may be necessary to ensure smooth completion of the colonoscopy procedure.
For LGI scopy, patient is placed in left lateral position ,and with slow insufflation of air, screening of the entire colon and terminal ileum is attempted., Biopsies can be obtained as per indication.
A colonoscopy is a procedure that lets your health care provider check the inside of your entire colon (large intestine).
The procedure is done using a long, flexible tube called a colonoscope. The tube has a light and a tiny camera on one end. It is put in your rectum and moved into your colon.
In addition to letting your provider see the inside of your colon, the tube can be used to:
1.Clean the lining of your colon using irrigation (a water jet)
2.Remove any liquid stool with a suction device
3.Inject air into your bowel to make it easier to see inside
4.Work inside your bowel with surgical tools
During a colonoscopy, your provider may remove tissue or polyps (abnormal growths) for further examination. He or she may also be able to treat problems that are found.
Anatomy of the Colon
The colon is the last section of your digestive system. It absorbs water to change waste from liquid to solid stool. The large intestine is about 5 feet long in adults. It has the following four sections:
Ascending colon:extends upward on the right side of your belly
Transverse colon:extends from the ascending colon across your body to the left side
Descending colon:extends from the transverse colon downward on your left side
Sigmoid colon:extends from the descending colon to your rectum